Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

8 Rumah Perahu Masa depan yang Menabjubkan

Spoiler for For:

New Luxury Mega-Yacht: 10,000 Sf. Floating Super-Mansion
urang seperti kerajinan santai dan lebih seperti 10.000 kaki persegi, tiga tingkat vila di atas air, yang luar biasa ini (dan mahal) apung rumah nyaris tidak bisa disebut sebuah rumah kapal. Lagi pula, itu adalah kebalikan dari khas built-to-the-perbatasan bergerak model rumah kapal - dan tampak seperti apa pun kecuali yang diubah kapal laut.Pikirkan itu, mungkin, seperti kapal pesiar pribadi - hanya pihak swasta. Di lebih dari 175 meter dan 100 meter panjang lebar ada ruang untuk selusin tamu dan seperti banyak anggota kru untuk menjalankan air-naik resor. Rencana panggilan selama lebih dari sepuluh ribu meter persegi dari ruang yang dapat digunakan, semua dilakukan untuk bergerak halus dan cepat di permukaan danau, laut atau samudra terbuka. A super-diam, efisiensi tinggi motor besar, tapi tidak akan ada berlayar di kapal ini sayangnya.
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Open Houseboat: New Sea-Shell-Shaped Lake & River Home
Kombinasi jendela bulat dan flat panel memungkinkan warga untuk juga melihat keluar di semua sisi dan juga ke arah langit dan turun ke air di bawah. Gulungan yang telah melengkung ellipsoidal pemotongan mereka juga yang memperkuat konsep perencanaan yang terbuka tanpa mengorbankan integritas struktural. Singkatnya: meski shell-efek seperti tampaknya dirancang untuk memperkuat estetika bahari itu juga penting untuk inti konsep desain bangunan yang mengambang ini dengan arsitek dan desainer Joanna Borek Clement.
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Used River Barges into Luxury Houseboat Rentals-for-Hire
Tak perlu dikatakan, dek matahari yang mewah, kamar tidur utama dan kamar mandi penuh serta peralatan kontemporer lainnya dan fasilitas modern adalah tambahan baru tradisional tersebut lebih terlihat perahunya.
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Living on Waterworld: Floating & Future-Ready Eco-Home
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New Urbanism Pontooned or Luxury Houseboat
Gagasan alternatif ini memadukan unsur-unsur masyarakat dan perumahan direncanakan menara, dengan masing-masing rumah kapal yang berperan sebagai independen ponton-naik mobile home dan juga sebagai bagian dari komunitas apung yang lebih besar dari danau-rumah terikat. Erikstad Arsitektur memiliki visi komunitas ini yang jelas mengintegrasikan strategi desain perkotaan lebih besar serta arsitektur taktik.
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Anthropomorphic + Futuristic = Fantastic Floating Homes
Yang lebih kecil dan sederhana (kata sifat baik diterapkan relatif terhadap saudara yang lebih besar tentu saja) versi desain spektakuler ini adalah Infinitas, dengan yang lebih ramping dan efisien profil dan semi-tertutup on-board kolam renang di pusat tetapi di bawah tempurung.
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Modern Houseboat Design for Sea-Worthy Luxury Living
Klaim inspirasi para desainer dari kedua maritim gaya dan lahan berbasis tradisi struktural, kombinasi dari sesuatu yang tampak dinamis dan dibuat untuk melintasi jalur air tapi bisa juga saingannya rumah perkotaan kontemporer dalam tata letak, bahan dan bentuk. Singkatnya, desain telah selesai rencana dan fungsi sebuah rumah konvensional, tetapi juga mencerminkan sifat air.
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Houseboats + Holland = Floating Apartment Complex
Strategi berkelanjutan termasuk high density konstruksi (yang, pada gilirannya, masyarakat mempromosikan juga) dan air pendingin yang digerakkan alam. Meskipun gagasan luar biasa, hal itu masih harus dilihat apakah atau tidak ini kompleks perumahan apung kreatif oleh WaterStudio akan menjadi gelombang masa depan dan menimbulkan suatu pendekatan baru untuk konstruksi perumahan di zona banjir.
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10 jembatan paling menakjubkan di dunia

1.Banpo Bridge (South Korea): The Fountain Bridge
On September 9, 2008, the Banpo Bridge in Seoul (South Korea) got a major facelift: a 10,000-nozzle fountain that runs all the way on both sides. Immediately after being installed, the bridge turned into a major tourist attraction, as the bridge pumps out 190 tons of water per minute using the water from the river below.

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2.Millau Bridge (France): World's Tallest Vehicular Bridge
Towering 1,125-ft above the Tarn Valley in southern France, driving along the Millau Bridge is said to feel like flying. This Foster + Partners marvel is slightly taller than the Eiffel Tower, took three years to build and opened to the public in 2004. While it may provide picturesque views of the valley below, once the mist descends it is not a route for the faint hearted! The Millau Bridge has a total length of 8,071-ft with the longest single span at 1,122-ft and a maximum clearance below of 886-ft; in short the bridge is massively impressive both on paper and in real life. The deck is lofted on 7 pylons and weighs 36,000 tonnes. A series of 7 masts, each 292-ft tall and weighing 700 tonnes, are attached to the corresponding pylons.

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3.Henderson Waves (Singapore): Most Beautiful Pedestrian Bridge
At a height of 36 metres or 12 storeys from the road, it is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore. The 300-metre bridge links up the parks at Mount Faber and Telok Blangah Hill.

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4.Hangzhou Bay Bridge (China): World's Longest Trans-Oceanic Bridge
Across the Hangzhou Bay extends the longest trans-oceanic bridge in the world, with 35,673 kilometres (22 mi) long with six expressway lanes in two directions. The bridge was built to address traffic congestion in the booming region, cutting the driving time between Shanghai and Ningbo from four to two-and-a-half hours.finally opened to the public on May 1, 2008. Total investment on the bridge was RMB 11.8 billion (around US$ 1.4 billion.)

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5.Rolling Bridge (UK): The Bridge that Curls Up on Itself
Designed by Heatherwick Studio, the award-winning Rolling Bridge is located Paddington Basin, London. Rather than a conventional opening bridge mechanism, consisting of a single rigid element that lifts to let boats pass, the Rolling Bridge gets out of the way by curling up until its two ends touch. While in its horizontal position, the bridge is a normal, inconspicuous steel and timber footbridge; fully open, it forms a circle on one bank of the water that bears little resemblance to its former self.

Twelve metres long, the bridge is made in eight steel and timber sections, and is made to curl by hydraulic rams set into the handrail between each section.
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6.Oliveira Bridge (Brazil): World's First X-shaped Cable Stayed Bridge with two crossed lanes
The Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge over the Pinheiros River in São Paulo, Brazil was opened in May 2008. It is 138 metres (450-ft) tall, and connects Marginal Pinheiros to Jornalista Roberto Marinho Avenue. Its design is unique in that the 2 curved decks of the bridge cross each other through its X-shaped supporting tower.

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7.Wind and Rain Bridge (China): Dong people's bridge
The Wind and Rain Bridge is the symbolized architecture of the Dong minority people. The wind and rain bridge in Diping is the largest of its kind in Guizhou Province, where China's biggest Dong community lives. The bridge is over 50 meters long and it was first built in 1894 during the Qing Dynasty over 100 years ago. However, the original structure was destroyed in a big fire in 1959 and the one visitors see today was a recreation finished in 1964.

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8.Tower Bridge (UK): Most Famous and Beautiful Victorian Bridge
Completed in 1894 and designed by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry, Tower Bridge (so named after the two, striking, 141-ft high towers and the Tower of London close to it) is one of the most famous landmarks in London and one of the most beautiful in the world. The 800-ft long bridge has a 28-ft clearance when closed but raises in the centre to a maximum clearance of 140-ft that allows ships to pass down the Thames. Back in the days when goods were moved by sea instead of air the bridge was raised around 50 times daily. Tower Bridge took 432 workers 8 years to build. During that time they sank 70,000 tonnes of concrete into 2 huge piers, lowered 2 counterbalanced bascules into place each weighing 1,000 tonnes and then clad the whole bridge in Portland stone and Cornish granite to disguise the 11,000 tonnes of steel beneath.

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9.Magdeburg Water Bridge (Germany): Europe's Largest Water Bridge
The Magdeburg Water Bridge connects the former East and West Germany over the Elbe River, and it was made as part of the unification project. 1 km long, the 500 million euros water bridge enables river barges to avoid a lengthy and sometimes unreliable passage along the Elbe.

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10.Ponte Vecchio (Italy): Oldest and Most Famous of its kind

The Ponte Vecchio in Florence is one of the most famous tourist spots in Italy, and is thought to be the oldest wholly-stone built, segmental arch bridge in Europe, although there are many partial segments which date further back. It was originally built of wood until destroyed by floods in 1333, and twelve years later it was rebuilt using stone. Famous for its lining of shops, the bridge has housed everybody from Medieval merchants and butchers to souvenir stalls and art dealers.

Spoiler for ponte:

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

15 Kantor yang menakjubkan dan menginspirasi

Spoiler for Google Zurich:

I’m sure you’ve seen this office plenty of times on the internet. This office is all about fun: it has a lot of specially decorated rooms in which employees can do their work. There’s even a game room for relaxation and a gym where you can work out.
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Spoiler for Selgas Cano Architecture :
The Selgas Cano Architecture office, designed by Iwan Baan, makes you feel like a part of nature. Thanks to the fact that the office is below ground level and the huge windows, you really feel encapsulated by plants and trees. This looks like a really peaceful environment that stimulates creativity.
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Spoiler for Twitter:
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past five years, you’ve probably already heard of Twitter. This fast-growing tech company recently moved into a new office. This new office looks really clean and simple. You’ll find plenty of references to twitter in their office, such as birds and @-symbols.
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Spoiler for Saegeling Medizintechnik:
Saegeling Medizintechnik is a German company that produces high-end medical equipment. The same sense of technology and innovation that they use in their products, is also portrayed in this new office. This results in a clean, stylish building with some sexy curves.
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Spoiler for White Mountain Office:
This office somehow reminds me of the nuclear bunker in the end of Terminator 3. This old atomic shelter is now used by Swedish ISP. This really is a one of a kind work environment.
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Spoiler for Yahoo Barcelona:
Yahoo has several offices around the world. The office you see here is located in Barcelona, Spain. This office is, just like all other Yahoo offices, focused on fun and creativity. This creativity is expressed via paint-like artwork on walls and windows.
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Spoiler for TBWA Hakuhodo:
TBWA Hakuhodo is a Japanese advertising company. This awesome office was designed by Klein Dytham Architecture. This office wants to bring the outside in. You’ll see plenty of nature inspired elements such as grass and trees.
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Spoiler for Pixar:
You probably know Pixar from great animation films such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E and The Incredibles. But did you also know they have a cool office? (ow, you did?) This office is filled with paintings and figurines from several Pixar creations. You can work in some of the micro-offices or blow off some steam with a game of ping-pong or pool.
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Spoiler for Pallotta Teamworks:
Pallotta Teamworks asked Clive Wilkinson Architects to create a one of a kind office. And they got what they asked for. This entire office is made out of shipping containers that are stacked on top of one another. The shipping containers were painted in various colours to add a bit of flair to the workspace.
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Spoiler for Red Bull London:
This is probably one of my favourite offices. Partially because of the sleek minimalistic look, but mostely because of the awesome carbon slide! Red Bull’s awesome 3 floor office was created by Jump Studios, an architecture company from London, UK.
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Spoiler for Facebook:
The new Facebook office is centred around employees needs and wants. Several small ‘neighbourhoods’ were created to give each department its own unique style. Employees are encouraged to write on walls, add artwork, and move furniture as they see fit.
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Spoiler for Bastard Store and Office:
The Bastard store and office really is a skateboarder’s paradise. This is actually a combination of a skate park and an office. I’m sure that few employees will suffer from burnout in this amazing office!
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Spoiler for Hyves:
Hyves.net is a social networking site that’s really popular in the Netherlands. Just like the Facebook office, this office is all about the people that work there. There’s only one slight difference between both offices: the Hyves office is filled with bright colours. And when I say bright, I mean really bright.
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Spoiler for JWT New York:
JWT is one of the oldest advertising agencies in the world. This office is designed over five floors and designed to accommodate 900 employees. This office reflects JWT’s business model and brand identity and it was designed by the creative minds of Clive Wilkinson Architects.
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Spoiler for Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Slovenia:
This has to be the coolest government office I’ve ever seen! The organic looking white framework in combination with a lot of windows and tons of plants makes this office a real treat for your eyes.
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